Can You Add an Electric starter to a Dirt Bike?

(Last Updated On: March 18, 2023)

Electric starters have become very popular in the dirt bike world. They are a great addition to any bike and make starting your bike up a breeze. The main question is, can you add an electric starter to a dirt bike? The simple answer is yes, but can it worth it? There are a few different types of electric starters on the market, so it is important to do your research before you make a purchase.

There are a few things you need to consider before you buy an electric starter. The first is the size of your battery. You will also need to decide what type of electric starter you want. There are manual and automatic starters, and each has its own set of pros and cons. You should visit our article on how to shift a semiautomatic dirt bike.

Electric start dirt bikes are the latest craze in the motocross world. These bikes have a battery-powered motor that starts the bike for you, eliminating the need for a Kickstarter. This is a great feature for beginners because it makes starting the bike much easier. It also makes the bike much more convenient to use, because you don’t have to worry about finding someone to kickstart your bike for you.

The main question is, can you add an electric starter to a dirt bike? The simple answer is yes. However, the question that arises here is, is it worthful to add an electric starter to a dirt bike? 

Table of Contents

Pros and Cons of adding an electric starter to a dirt bike


Electric start dirt bikes are becoming increasingly popular. They have a number of advantages over bikes that require you to kick-start them:

  • They are much easier to start, which is great for beginners or anyone who struggles with kick-starting a bike.
  • They are much quieter than traditional dirt bikes, which makes them a good choice for people who live in residential areas.
  • Having an electric start saves your time.
  • An electric start will always be more reliable than a kick-start.
  • An electric start can improve your performance on the track.
  • They have a lot of torque, which makes them great for off-road riding.


However, there are also a few disadvantages to consider:

  • Electric start dirt bikes are more expensive than traditional dirt bikes.
  • Adding an electric starter to a dirt bike is not easy, and many people suggest that you should buy a new dirt bike with an electric start rather than installing an electric starter on your old dirt bike because it is so difficult.
  • The battery on a dirt bike with an electric starter is usually a lot bigger than the battery on a motorcycle without one. This means that it will take longer to charge, and it will also be heavier.
  • The electric starter can add weight to the bike.

Installing an electric starter on a dirt bike can be damaging to your bike because it increases its weight. When you add the weight of the electric starter, it can cause the suspension, clutch, and other parts of the bike to wear out faster. Additionally, if something goes wrong with the electric starter, it can be expensive to fix.

Electric start kits can be a great addition to the dirt bike, making it easier to start and eliminating the need for a Kickstarter. However, these kits are becoming increasingly difficult to find, and when they are available, they are often quite expensive. 

If you are lucky enough to find an electric starter kit for your dirt bike, it is important to consider the effect this will have on the value of the bike. It can decrease the value of your dirt bike efficiently.

Alternatives to adding an electric start to a dirt bike

There are a few alternatives to adding an electric start to a dirt bike. You could buy a new dirt bike with an electric starter if you do not want to install an electric starter on your current dirt bike. If you don’t want to spend the money on a new dirt bike, you could try to find a used dirt bike with an electric starter.


yamaha electric dirt bike
Can You Add an Electric starter to a Dirt Bike?

Yamaha electric dirt bikes are some of the best on the market, and they’re sure to provide you with hours of fun and excitement. Yamaha has a wide range of electric dirt bikes to choose from, so you can find the perfect one for your needs. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider, there’s an electric dirt bike that’s perfect for you.

Yamaha’s electric dirt bikes are well-made and durable, and they feature high-quality components. They’re also easy to operate, so you can get up and running quickly.

The Yamaha TT-R125E is great for beginner riders. It has a simple, no-nonsense design and is easy to operate. The TT-R125LE is perfect for kids or young adults who are just starting in the world of dirt biking. It has an electric starter and a throttle limiter, so it’s perfect for learning how to ride.

The Yamaha TT-R230 is perfect for intermediate riders. It has more power and better handling.


KTM is one of the leading manufacturers of electric dirt bikes, and they have a wide range of models to choose from.

KTM dirt bike
Can You Add an Electric starter to a Dirt Bike?

If you’re looking for an electric dirt bike that is durable, efficient, and fun to ride, then KTM is the perfect brand for you. Their bikes are designed to handle even the most challenging terrain, and they offer a great riding experience for riders of all ages.

There are a lot of great electric dirt bikes on the market these days. It can be tough to decide which one is the best for you. Here are some of the best KTM electric dirt bikes on the market today.

The first bike is the KTM Freeride E-XC. This bike is perfect for anyone who wants an adrenaline rush. It has a top speed of 50 mph, and it can go from 0 to 50 in under 5 seconds. The bike also has a very impressive range of up to 50 miles on a single charge.

The next bike is the KTM SX-E 5 is one of the best electric dirt bikes for 13 years old. It has a top speed of 45mph. The bike weighs about 88 lbs. You can check the full detail of this bike in my article best-electric-dirt-bikes-for-13-years-old.


Honda electric dirt bikes
Can You Add an Electric starter to a Dirt Bike?
Image source

 Honda is one of the leading manufacturers of electric dirt bikes, and they have a wide range of models to choose from.

The Honda CRF250L is a great choice for beginners. It has a low seat height, which makes it easy to control. The Honda Rebel is a good choice for experienced riders. It has a powerful engine and lots of torque. 

I have also mentioned some of the best Honda electric dirt bikes in my article most popular dirt bike brand.


Suzuki electric dirt bike
Can You Add an Electric starter to a Dirt Bike?

If you’re looking for an electric dirt bike that’s durable, easy to operate, and stylish, Suzuki is a great option. They offer a wide range of models to choose from, so you’re sure to find one that’s perfect for your needs. Plus, their bikes are built to last, so you can enjoy years of riding pleasure. You would be amazed to know 5 amazing facts about Suzuki dirt bikes.

The Suzuki DR-Z70 dirt bike is perfect for beginner riders. It has a low seat height, which makes it easy to control. The bike also has a Semi-Automatic Transmission (SAT), which makes it easy to shift gears. In addition, the DR-Z70 is lightweight and has a durable frame, which makes it perfect for off-road riding.

Final thoughts on can you add an electric starter to a dirt bike

In this article, we answered the question ”Can You Add an Electric starter to a Dirt Bike?” This article has looked at the pros and cons of adding an electric start to a dirt bike. Some people think that it’s a great idea, while others think that it’s not necessary. Ultimately, it’s up to the rider to decide whether or not an electric start is a good idea for them.

If you do not want to install an electric start on a dirt bike, there are a few alternatives. You can buy an electric dirt bike from popular brands like Honda, Yamaha, KTM, Suzuki, and more.

I hope you enjoyed this article “Can you add an electric starter to a dirt bike”. This article has taken a look at the question “Can you add an electric starter to a dirt bike”. If you have any questions about “Can you add an electric starter to a dirt bike”, please leave a comment below.

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