How to Clean Dirt Bike Air Filter? 7 Easy Steps

(Last Updated On: March 18, 2023)

If you’re a dirt bike rider, you know that the air filter is a vital part of your bike’s engine, protecting it from harmful contaminants. It’s essential to maintain your air filter to ensure your bike stays in excellent condition and to avoid costly repairs. Luckily, cleaning your air filter is an easy process that you can easily do at home. 

As you ride your dirt bike through muddy and dusty terrain, dirt and debris can easily clog your air filter, restricting airflow and causing damage to your engine. That’s why it’s essential to clean your air filter regularly. By doing so, you’ll ensure that your bike runs efficiently and prolong its lifespan. Today our topic of discussion is “How to Clean Dirt Bike Air Filter?”

Similar to how your body needs oxygen to function, your dirt bike’s engine requires air to run. Without a clean and functioning air filter, the engine won’t receive the air it needs to run at optimal levels. That’s why it’s crucial to know how to clean dirt bike air filters. You should also visit my article on how to change a dirt bike tire.

Required Tools for How to Clean Dirt Bike Air Filter

Required Tools

To properly clean your dirt bike’s air filter, you’ll need the following items:

  • Gloves, protect your hands from getting dirty.
  • Turpentine to remove any stubborn debris from the filter.
  • Detergent or filter cleaner to wash the filter.
  • A plastic bag, preferably a ziplock, to shake the filter in and remove excess dirt.
  • Filter oil to help trap any remaining dust particles.
  • Grease to lubricate the filter before reinserting it into your dirt bike.

By using these items, you can easily clean your air filter and ensure that your dirt bike’s engine runs smoothly, even in dusty and muddy conditions. In this article, we’ll discuss “How to Clean Dirt Bike Air Filter?”

How to Clean Dirt Bike Air Filter?

How to Clean Dirt Bike Air Filter?

Cleaning your dirt bike’s air filter is an essential part of maintaining its engine and ensuring that it runs smoothly. To avoid costly repairs and keep your dirt bike in top condition, it’s crucial to regularly clean your air filter. In this guide, we’ll provide you with the necessary steps and tips to properly clean your dirt bike’s air filter, so you can keep riding without any worry.

Remove the Air Filter

Remove the Air Filter

When removing the air filter, it’s important to take certain precautions to avoid causing further damage to your bike’s engine. To begin, put on gloves and give the air filter a quick wipe with a damp cloth to prevent any loose dirt from falling into the intake. 

You may notice that the air filter is covered in oil and other debris, so take care when removing it. If the air filter is severely damaged, it’s best to replace it. However, with proper maintenance, your air filter can last for thousands of kilometers, keeping your dirt bike running smoothly on all of your adventures.

Give the Air Filter the First Cleaning

Give the Air Filter the First Cleaning

When it comes to cleaning the air filter, the first step is to remove all the old oil that’s built up on the filter. To do this, you’ll need turpentine. By using turpentine, you can easily break down the old oil on the filter. After applying the turpentine, squish the air filter until the liquid has penetrated throughout it, and then give it a good squeeze to remove the dirty remnants. 

You may need to repeat this step a few times to remove as much oil as possible. By taking the time to clean your air filter thoroughly, you’ll help ensure that your dirt bike runs smoothly and is ready for any terrain.

Wash the Air Filter

Wash the Air Filter

After removing the old oil from your dirt bike’s air filter, it’s time to give it a thorough wash to remove any remaining dirt or debris. To do this, start by washing the filter in warm, soapy water. You can use a variety of detergents, such as dishwashing detergent, shampoo, or dishwashing liquid, which contains powerful oil-eating agents that help to break down any remaining debris on the filter. 

Scrub the filter gently to remove any dirt and then rinse it thoroughly with clean water. By washing the filter, you’ll remove any remaining contaminants and help ensure that it functions properly, providing clean air to your dirt bike’s engine.

Let the Filter Dry

Once you’ve finished washing your dirt bike air filter, it’s important to let it dry completely before using it again. However, it’s crucial to note that you should never use a hairdryer, laundry drier, heat gun, or any other heating device to speed up the drying process. These methods can damage the air filter and cause it to deteriorate over time, leading to potential engine damage. 

Instead, you should leave the air filter to dry naturally in a clean, dust-free area. This may take several hours or even overnight, so make sure you plan and don’t rush the process. By allowing your air filter to dry naturally, you’ll help ensure that it remains in good condition and continues to protect your dirt bike’s engine from harmful contaminants.

Oil the Air Filter Up

Oil the Air Filter Up

After you’ve allowed your dirt bike’s air filter to dry completely, it’s crucial to remember to oil it before reinstalling it. Failure to oil the air filter can result in dirt and debris passing through the filter and causing damage to the engine. To oil, the air filter, place it in a plastic shopping bag and add a generous amount of filter oil.

It’s essential to ensure that the filter is coated evenly to guarantee perfect coverage. Keep in mind that air takes the path of least resistance, so any dry spots can result in contaminants passing through the filter and reaching the engine. By taking the time to oil the air filter properly, you’ll help ensure that your dirt bike’s engine receives clean air and operates smoothly, no matter the terrain.

Grease the air filter

Grease the air filter

When reinstalling your newly cleaned air filter, it’s important to remember to apply a small amount of grease around the edges of the rim, cage, or housing. This simple step can help to create a tighter seal between the air filter and the engine, preventing dirt and debris from entering the engine and causing damage.

By taking the time to apply a small amount of grease before reinserting the air filter, you’ll help ensure that your dirt bike remains in good condition and operates smoothly for years to come.

Reinstall Filter

Now that you’ve completed all the steps for cleaning your dirt bike’s air filter, it’s time to reinsert it back into your bike. Carefully screw the air filter back into its place and reattach any covers you removed earlier. Once you’ve reinstalled the filter and covers, start up your bike and listen to how it sounds and operates. 

By taking the time to properly maintain and clean your dirt bike’s air filter, you can help extend the life of your bike’s engine and ensure that it performs at its best, no matter the conditions. So, get out there and enjoy your next ride!

Conclusion on How to Clean Dirt Bike Air Filter

In conclusion, cleaning your dirt bike’s air filter is a crucial part of proper bike maintenance. Regularly cleaning and maintaining your air filter can help prevent dirt and debris from entering your bike’s engine, which can cause damage and unnecessary wear and tear. Cleaning dirt bike air filters is necessary that’s why I’ve discussed how to clean dirt bike air filters in this guide.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily clean and maintain your dirt bike’s air filter, ensuring that it performs at its best for years to come. So, take the time to care for your bike, and enjoy your next ride with peace of mind knowing that your engine is well-protected.

I hope you enjoyed my article “How to Clean Dirt Bike Air Filter?” This article has taken a look at how to clean dirt bike air filters. I hope after reading my article your all confusion about “How to Clean Dirt Bike Air Filter” has been solved. If you’ve any questions about how to change a dirt bike tire, please leave a comment below.


How often should I clean my dirt bike’s air filter?

As a general rule of thumb, you should check your air filter after every ride and clean it as needed. If you ride in dusty or muddy conditions, you may need to clean your air filter more frequently.

Can I wash my dirt bike’s air filter with a pressure washer?

No, you should not wash your dirt bike’s air filter with a pressure washer. The high pressure can damage the filter, making it less effective at filtering out dirt and debris. Instead, you should wash it by hand with warm, soapy water.

Can I reuse the filter oil?

No, you should not reuse filter oil. Once the filter oil has been used, it becomes contaminated with dirt and debris, making it less effective at filtering out contaminants. Always use fresh filter oil when oiling your air filter.

Can I use any type of oil on my dirt bike’s air filter?

No, you should only use filter oil that is specifically designed for use on air filters. Regular engine oil or other types of oil can damage the filter and reduce its effectiveness.

Can I ride my dirt bike without an air filter?

No, you should never ride your dirt bike without an air filter. Doing so can cause dirt and debris to enter the engine, causing damage and reducing performance. Always make sure your air filter is in good condition and properly installed before riding.

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